
A linux kernel firewall

BinderFilter Picky, the userland policy configuration app

BinderFilter is a context-aware IPC firewall for Android that dynamically filters messages based on environmental data. It can both block and modify IPC messages sent through Binder which is in a position of complete mediation in Android (including intents and permissions).

Our Binder hooking framework is able to mitigate broad classes of cross-app attacks, such as collusion and UI-based activity hijacking attacks. Once BinderFilter is set up on an Android device, Picky, a policy application can be used to create contextual application-specific policies.

A Python IPTables-like interface is present for this purpose as well. Lua dissectors are available for analysing Binder traffic in realtime.

user:~$ ./binderfilter -s -m "android.permission.CAMERA" -u _facebook_uid_ -a 3 --modify-data="cat.jpg"


Fantastic hooks and where to find them - Xposed edition.

Talks, Slides and Reports

Technical Report.

Shmoocon(2017) slides presenting further BinderFilter work and an IPTables-like command line interface..

SummerCon(2016) presenting BinderFilter, Picky, and analysis of how Binder messages travel through the Android stack..